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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Run-around

What I've been up to the last couple of days (I've spent A LOT of time on the phone):

1. trying to get a stander for Cooper- Apparently Medicaid is not covering them.  Lucky for us, we have private insurance.  I found a lady, Barbara King, to help.  She works for a company that bills insurance, but basically takes whatever money they can get from the insurance company and eats the rest.  We're going to get a stander pro bono.  She is also going to get him a bathing chair, since he is almost too big for  his whale bathtub and isn't sitting up on his own yet.

2. finding someone to provide Simply Thick for Cooper- I finally found an infant nutrition company in Maumelle.  They gave me a box of 200 packets of Simply Thick (they bill Medicaid) and the next time he needs a box, it gets shipped to my house.

3. trying to get ahold of Cooper's case manager- WIC provides 113 bottles of Pediasure a month.  This isn't enough.  Medicaid should cover the rest, but trying to get in touch with his case manager is difficult.

4. figuring out how to get pre-authorization from the insurance company for the genetic testing- Apparently, the provider has to do this.  But I've left two messages for the genetic counselor on Cooper's case, and she hasn't called me back.  This needs to get done soon.  Mainly, so I can just stop stressing about it.

5. refilling Cooper's Sabril prescription- He needs a new month's worth on September 8, so now is about when I need to re-order.  Their automated number has been calling me, I say that I am available to talk to someone, and no one is there.  What is that about?  THEY called ME; they should be there!  Finally got it all worked out, though, and the medicine will be here Sept. 6.

Good thing Cooper is really cute and totally worth all this BS!!


The Bells said...

And good thing you're a good mommy!

Kara Paulk said...

You are AMAZING. Cooper is one fortunate little guy to have you!