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Monday, September 5, 2011

Busy Labor Day

I was talking to my mom earlier today, and I made a comment that we had had a pretty lazy long weekend.  She told me I was crazy, and when I really think about it, I guess she was right.  Friday, Brad had a rare day off.  We bought 300 antique bricks that used to be a chimney in the Heights.  They will soon be a patio in front of our house!  Saturday, Brad worked until about 2.  He got home in time to shower and watch Ole Miss loose its first game of the season.  We made Sangria right before the game and pigs-in-a-blanket with cream cheese and jalapenos.  We took these to a friends' house to watch the LSU-Oregon game.  It takes a lot for me to root for LSU, so I'll just say, "Yay SEC!!!"  Sunday morning, Brad again had to go to work, but he was home before noon!  We DID have a lazy Sunday afternoon.  We hung out with Cooper and straightened up the house.  I made taco chicken chili in the crockpot, and we had some friends over for dinner.  They brought what seemed like a very complicated board game.  We dove right in, and ended up having a really good time playing it (especially since I won!!).  Brad had yet another half day (!) today.  This evening, the Eiler family is coming over for hamburgers and bratwursts.  I'm looking forward to a great ending to our deceptively busy weekend!

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