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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Thankful Christmas

I had a lot to be thankful for this Christmas.  So I thought I'd make a list (and include lots of pictures).  Seriously, though, Santa (Brad) got me a new camera for Christmas, and I might have gone a little overboard with the photos.

1.  I'm thankful for Santa.   Did you know the real Santa lived in Little Rock?  He does.  And here's the proof:

Cooper has learned to fake smile, or do a social smile.  We were all cheering, clapping for him, and calling his name.  And so he did this weird smile face.  He knew that's what we wanted, even though he obviously wasn't in the mood to smile.  He's smarter than he lets on...

This was the only picture of the two of them together.  Cooper is just not a fan of Semmes right now.


Semmes just STARED at Santa (there's one of him doing that).  These pictures were the few times he looked at us.  And he never smiled.  Ah, first Christmases.  

2. I'm thankful for portable oxygen concentrators.  We got one for the week for Cooper, just in case.  We were going to be at a really high elevation (8700 feet) and we had no idea how his lungs would react.  It was small and pretty portable (on wheels), but it was a pain going through security and on the plane.  But I am so happy we had it.  The first morning, his oxygen saturations were in the 50's and 60's .  Brad had to take him back down into Denver for 24 hours and he still had to be on oxygen the whole time.  Poor guy.

3.  I'm thankful for trains.  Never thought I'd say that.  There was a model train exhibition in Granby.  And we went when Cooper got back from Denver.  He wasn't feeling 100% and I didn't know how he'd do, but he LOVED it.  All the lights and sounds hooked him.

Ya'll this thing was intricate and detailed.

Still working out the kinks on the camera; little blurry...

4. I'm thankful for cousins.  C and E are almost exactly a year older than Semmes.  They played with him (or at least around him).  They distracted him and gave Cooper five days of baby-free peace.  They are super precious and fun to be around.  It made me excited for next Christmas!!

Tickle time:

Matching outfits.  My children wouldn't cooperate, obviously. 

This girl loves to accessorize...with wrapping paper and bows.

5.  I'm thankful for first Christmases.  Period.

He could not figure out presents.  At all.  

Someone got a white first Christmas!!  

Once again, I got a new camera.  Excuse the same shot over and over.

This face:

6.  I'm thankful for Cooper.  He had to be on oxygen the whole time.  Then he woke up Christmas morning with what we think is pink eye.  But he still was pretty happy the whole time.  Love him!

See his left eye?  Poor guy.

7.  I'm thankful for matching pajamas.  There is nothing cuter than siblings in matching pajamas.

This is what things are really like:

When we got home from CO, we did Santa at our house!! 

No, Semmes, you can't eat the cookies.

8.  Last, I'm thankful for family.  And yes, there are more pictures of Semmes.  Cooper wasn't being his most cooperative self.

See what I mean?

Brad trying to get Semmes to learn how to open presents.

Sicily wants in on the action.

Ole Miss blankets made by our neighbors.  I want one.

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