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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm back

I have actually been busy!  I got a job, which I started tonight.  And though I will miss my boy, I think it will be good to get out of the house a couple of afternoons a week.

Cooper got sick Friday, but seems MUCH better now.  He had a brief surgery clinic appointment last week, but they just checked his button and proclaimed him, and it, fine.

Brad took Cooper to the doctor this morning for the first time all by himself.  So proud!  It was a pulmonary appointment.  The only big news is that she wants Coops to have a sleep study to make sure he isn't aspirating at night.  So that will be the night of May 9.  It starts at 7:30 and ends at 6:00 a.m.  Let me tell you, I am sure looking forward to that one (sarcasm if my friend).

I will be better going forward about putting stuff on here.

This is how we found Cooper last night before we went to bed.  Notice his foot sticking out of the crib?  Too funny.

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