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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One year ago

Cooper is taking a rare afternoon nap, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the last year.  Today, Cooper is 23 months old.  14 months ago, he had his first seizure and was diagnosed with infantile spasms.  Health wise, the next two months were the worst of his life.  The anti-seizure medicine made him really sleepy, so sleepy that he barely ate.  By the time he was 10 and a half months old, he weighed just under 17 pounds.  He was hospitalized for dehydration and the decision was made to give him a g-tube.  The day after his surgery, Cooper had his last seizure ever (knock on wood) on July 25 of last year.  Just 1 month later, his weight was already up to 19 pounds.  July 25 was a big day for Cooper one year ago.  He's a COMPLETELY different child now.

1 comment:

Kara Paulk said...

I love following all things Cooper on here Crady - you amaze me! Love to all the Bradys.