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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

For Sarah (his current schedule)

Cooper's current schedule is MUCH less complicated (really)!  So let's just jump right in:

7-7:30 a.m.- Cooper wakes up.  It's amazing that he wakes up at exactly the same time everyday.

7:30- Cooper gets 600 mg of Sabril and 7.5 mg of Prevacid in 50 mL of water.  He gets one puff of Flovent.  We also brush his teeth at this time.

8:00 a.m.- Mondays through Fridays, I leave to take Cooper to school.

9:00 a.m.- Cooper eats 145 mL of formula.

11:00 a.m.- Cooper gets 50 mL of water.

1:00 p,m.- 145 mL of formula

3:00 pm.- 50 mL of water

3:30 p.m.- This is when Cooper gets picked up from school.

5:00 p.m.- 145 mL of formula

6:00 p.m.- Cooper eats real food.

6:30 p.m.- Cooper gets a bath, since he usually gets pretty dirty eating solid food.

7:00 p.m.  Cooper gets 750 mg of Sabril and 7.5 mg of Prevacid in 50 mL of water.  He gets one puff of Flovent.  We also brush his teeth at this time.

8:00 p.m.- Cooper goes to bed and starts his overnight feed of 390 mL.  It ends sometime around 6 a.m.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Can't wait to keep sweet little Coops!