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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Coper's Six Word Story

Six word stories.  Have ya'll heard of these?  Ernest Hemingway wrote the first (and therefore most famous) one.  His was: "For sale: baby shoes.  Never worn."  So much in just those six words.

NPR is kinda obsessed with these.  They do all sorts of theme ones when they do lengthy reporting on a given topic (race, violence, etc.), so I've heard a lot of them.  Recently, every day when I drive to and from Cooper's school, another school like Cooper's has a sign on their marquee inviting past attendees to submit six word stories for the school's 20th anniversary.  So I've been thinking a lot about Cooper.  And what his six word story would be.  So here it is:

Cooper's condition does not define him.

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