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Friday, September 27, 2013

Six Months!

Semmes was six months old yesterday!  It's hard to believe.  I honestly can't remember what life was like before him.  He's such a great baby.  He is 18 pounds, 15 ounces (so really, 19 pounds) and 25.7 inches.  He's a little short for his weight, so he's in the 95th percentile for weight for length.  He is in mostly 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.  He sits up like a champ, can stand if he is holding onto my hands, and is starting to scoot around.  No crawling yet and he can still only roll onto his tummy.  Then he gets stuck.  I think that since he can lift himself up so high, he is scared to roll from that height back onto his back.  He'll figure it out.  He still doesn't have teeth, but Cooper didn't get teeth until he was eleven months.  But he is drooling like a champ.  Also, he does have hair, but since it's so blond it doesn't really show up in pictures.  Cooper's hair was a darker blond.

These pictures get harder to take every month.  He was trying to crawl off the chair to get to the camera I was holding.  He grabs for EVERYTHING and everything he manages to grab goes straight into his mouth.  Taking him to restaurants in interesting.

He has been to day care twice in the mornings while I've gone to Bible study, and today is his second day of Mother's Day Out.  He ate well at both places, which is what I had been worried about.  Shouldn't have worried, though.  This kid is going to eat.  Instead, he is a TERRIBLE sleeper when he's not at home.  He didn't sleep either time he went to the daycare at Fellowship.  Yesterday, he took one nap from 10:20-11.  That was it.  As soon as I walked into his school yesterday, I could hear him screaming (his classroom is right next to the door).  But as soon as he saw me, he stopped screaming, smiled, and grabbed my face to give me one of his nasty, open-mouthed "kisses."  Made my heart happy.

These pictures were even harder to take.  I didn't have Brad to distract him since Brad was taking Cooper to school.  And we were outside, where all the cool stuff is.  And we had this chalkboard that obviously needed to be touched.  But I managed to get one good-ish picture.  He's smiling, just not at the camera.  Whatever, I'll take what he gives me.

Finally, we went to Clarksdale a few weeks ago and I got out some photo albums from when I was a baby.  And there I discovered that Semmes looks like me, a lot.  There is no me in Cooper (except his dimples), so it's awesome that Semmes looks like me.  I think he has my nose and eyes.  I think his mouth is more like Brad's and obviously he has Brad's chin, but I'm glad he has a little (or a lot) me in him!

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