I feel sometimes that the blog has a tendency to be a little dramatic and negative. Sorry about that, but I do have a rather dramatic little boy. He can't help it, as you all know, but sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace and reflect on all the good things about little man and the great people in our lives.
This weekend was really fun. We have the most amazing neighbors. Seriously. They babysit Cooper often and he just loves them. They bring Leffe treats and let her come play at their house with their dogs when Cooper is in the hospital. They bring us food, wine, pies, etc. just because. We were seriously blessed when we moved in next door to them. So we wanted to do something special for them. So Friday night we made them dinner. And it was really good! And it was so nice to just get to sit and chat with them.
Saturday was baby shower #1 at Robin's house. My mom, sister, and Sarah came into town. It was great to see all of them. And the shower was really fun. It's amazing how many people already love this little man. He is so lucky. Before we left for the shower, Brad got a text message from one of his attendings. Dr. Schexnayder basically told Brad that he and his wife were going to come to our house that night and watch Cooper so we could have a date. And we jumped at the opportunity. They are the most over-qualified babysitters ever: she is an ER physician and he is an ER/PICU doctor. We went and saw Silver Linings Playbook (REALLY good) and then went to the Pantry for a late supper. We had a really good time and Cooper was just fine.
Also on Friday was Cooper's annual meeting. He is the same percentage delayed as he was last year, which means that he is continuing to progress. It was amazing to talk about how much he has changed in the last year. They're getting him some new seating since his trunk control is so good now. He's standing, and moving, in a gate trainer. He is making an "m" sound. Plus, his little personality just continues to blossom. He recognizes people, even those he hasn't seen in a while, and smiles and snuggles with them. He hates to be woken up from sleep. He loves to get naked (really, you take his shirt off and he will laugh out loud) and baths. He is just really becoming his own, unique little person. And it's awesome!!
10 New Years Eve Minute To Win It Games
2 weeks ago