This has been all over the news lately. And I just don't get it. I have conservative friends and I have liberal friends, so I am honestly looking for some answers that make sense. The whole Chic-Fil-A thing baffles me. I am not a lesbian, and I have no desire to date girls, but if I did, why is that anyone's business? And why should who you love be against the law? All the arguments from the Bible are from the Old Testament. Last I checked, if you were a Christian, all that got wiped out by the New Testament. Jesus doesn't say ANYTHING about same sex couples. He also doesn't mention airplanes, guns, fast food, hair products, etc. Should we make all of those things illegal too? Jesus preached about love and acceptance.
Marriage is HARD. You meet hundreds of thousands of people in your life. To be able to find and connect with one person that you can live with and love for the rest of your life is AMAZING. I just don't see what the problem is if that person happens to be the same gender as you.
Here's the thing. I get why people could be angry about abortion. I get why people want liberal gun laws. I get plenty of other hot button political issues. I can see both sides. I may not agree with both sides, but I get it. This one, I just don't get. I don't understand why people are so angry about love. What do you think is going to happen? As far as I can tell, in the six states where gay marriage is legal, NOTHING has happened. Our world as we know it has not come to an end. The terrorists didn't win. In fact, in some places, those extra marriages have made the economy slightly better. So it was a win! Anyway, please feel free to comment. But don't get mean.
My next post will be more about the cutest man in the world. Promise.