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Friday, June 27, 2008

All Alone

There is a problem associated with teaching.. you have summers off. To all you regular workers out there, that might seem awesome and in some regards it is, but when you have a husband in medical school (which means all of your friends are in medical school or working), it can be a little lonely. I have gone to the pool the last couple of days and have been all alone. I watch groups of kids play or parents with their kids and feel kinda sad that I don't have anyone to hang out with. It's only a month into summer and I'm already bored... crap.


Katie said...

Glad you're back! Sorry you're bored. Go see a movie by yourself. Oh, how I long for a boring day...Should have called me when you were here with your parents!

Mama/Linda said...

Rent chick flicks! Read! Cook new recipes. Go to Barnes & Noble or to the library. Re-arrange furniture. Clean out drawers. Lots to do by yourself.....enjoy life. Email ME!!! Call ME.