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Saturday, December 7, 2013


We had a great Thanksgiving!  We went to Clarksdale to my parents'  house.  My brother flew in from D.C. and it was the first time we had all been together since my sister got married two years ago!  So what happens at our family reunion?  Everyone got a stomach bug.  Boo!  Oh, and this is why there are literally no pictures of my family.  McConnell was sick Thursday, Madeline and Semmes were sick Friday, and my parents were sick Saturday.  Someone was always absent.

Semmes wearing his super cute outfit; remember the similar one Cooper had last year?

Trying to take pictures of these two together is impossible.  Semmes moves to much.  And Cooper refuses to smile when Semmes is around.  Whatever.  I do the best I can.

I, of course, waited until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to try and find Cooper a shirt.  The Toggery here in Little Rock had one boy's shirt a size 24 months.  It was 30% off and they promised I could return it if it didn't fit, so I got it just in case.  And it fit!!  Yay!! 

I like this one: pensive Cooper.


It was really cold outside, so Semmes wearing shorts all day wasn't going to happen.  So after our photography session, we changed him into this warmer outfit for the rest of the day.

Semmes and Podge.

My cousin Holt came to say hello and this is her son, Ward.  He and I are first cousins, once removed (generation shift) and he and Cooper and Semmes are second cousins.  This was very confusing to everyone.

These are kinda in the wrong order...

My mother's table set for the holiday!

My dad did the decorative pumpkin creative! 

We tried to take a family picture.  Nope.

Semmes wants to know where dinner is!

Cooper: King of Thanksgiving

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we got our tree.  It's Semmes' first Christmas tree!  Brad had to work several 12 hour shift after that, so it didn't get all the way decorated until MANY day later.  

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