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Thursday, October 18, 2012

And then there's this...

So a lot has been going on here lately.  And apparently my absence from blogging has been noticed.  I guess people really do read this thing!  So here is the last couple of months, briefly:

One, Cooper has had more apneic issues.  He stopped breathing and turned blue (like he did back in June) four times in a week.  He was hospitalized after that fourth time for five days.  They ran all sorts of tests.  And found nothing.  Because he just stopped doing it.  Oh Cooper.

 Two, we went out of town.  Without Cooper.  We got to see the beautiful Whitney Fisher marry Neal Rogers (I'll do a bigger post about this later).  But as a teaser, the wedding took place in the most gorgeous location ever.  This was the aisle (the next day, but still, check out that view)!

Three, and then there's this.

It's a boy!!

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