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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Two members of my family got haircuts this week: Cooper and Leffe.  This was Cooper's third haircut and man was it needed.  His hair was out of control.  And yes, I know it looked all cute and curly and big, but you come over and brush it.  Then tell me he doesn't need a haircut.  Anyway, here are his before and after pics:
Before (at the hair salon):


Still curly and cute, but way easier to comb through.  Leffe also got her hair cut.  This was Leffe's first haircut and with how hot it has been this summer, it was much needed.  So this is what Leffe normally looks like: a pretty typical golden retriever.

This is what she looks like now:

I'm not sure I would have recognized her if the people at the grooming place hadn't told me that she was mine.  I bet she feels WAY better now, though.  And that is what is important.

In other news, Cooper is back at school and doing great.  Kids recover so quickly.  We see the pulmonary doc tomorrow and Cooper is going to see his PCP.  So I should know more then.  I leave you with his precious image from Sunday morning.  Aunt Frannie gave him this outfit for Christmas and he finally fits in it!!

1 comment:

Kara Paulk said...

So cute! I love both hair cuts - Pepe and Leffe match!